The Story of QuizRat


We are a minimalist-family living in Singapore. QuizRat is our family project during the Circuit Breaker period back in Apr 2020. As it is the year of the Rat, we named it as this. It was first created for kids in primary and secondary to practice their study online. We believe frequently practicing on short quizzes will help them to strengthen what they have learnt in school, gain confidence, and not feel so much burden.

We created QuizRat for a few reasons

1. Self Motivated and independent Learners

We aim to provide a simple and friendly learning experience to encourage all kids to practise school subjects proactively and become independent learners.

As parents with school kids, we noted that regular practise helps kids do better in all subjects, and sometimes they also need to revisit the lower level topics as well. However, it is not feasible to keep buying practise books and past year test papers for all years - they are quite expensive, and usually can only be used once by one kid.

Therefore we decided to create QuizRat so more kids can prepare themselves better for their upcoming exam during the Home Based Learning period as it is harder to get tuition or practise papers. And at the same time we hope it will ease the burden of parents financially.

2. Less is More - Simple and eco-friendly family

We hope QuizRat will become a platform for both parents and kids to bond together, utilizing the “less is more” concept to lead a more fulfilling, and eco-friendly family life.

We will be soon providing fun quizzes and information related to zero-waste practise at home; fun decluttering to have a neater study environment, etc. Sometimes the environment changes the behaviour, and the behaviour changes the result.

Why use QuizRat

  • The website is easy to use. Simply select the level (e.g. P6) and subject (e.g. Chinese), and start the quiz immediately.
  • Free practice quizzes for all.
  • Bite-size quizzes that won’t scare the kids away! Up to 10 quiz questions per quiz.
  • Answers are immediately shown after answering each question. No more trouble looking for an answer sheet.
  • Kids are our Quizrat heroes who provide us with the review of the quiz answers, other fun contents such as Monchi Toons and various logo designs, made-by-kids problem solving videos,etc. They can learn and at the same time help other peers.

Contributions to QuizRat

  • We welcome good ideas, constructive feedback and good questions for all subjects.
  • We welcome volunteers who are keen to help by creating quizzes for kids to practise.
  • Please send us an email at